Friday, 27 April 2012

AS Media is finishing...

So AS Media is coming to an end. I have thoroughly enjoyed doing Media for AS as I have gained skills in terms of analysing TV dramas, note taking and gaining knowelege on film institutions and the distribution of films. Everyone said that Media is hard and a very challenging subject which they were right about however, the subject has persuaded me to work hard for the grade I want to carry on with it at A2. I am now more confident with the exam as I actually enjoy doing the practice papers as I feel that they are quite easy if you know your stuff and know how to phrase a particular question. Doing the film opening was the biggest challenge as it was very stressful and it took up a lot of time however, I found it fun going out filming; especially when we got the shots that we wanted and put it all together when we edited. I found working in my group very rewarding as we all got on well and worked as a team. Overall, I am very happy with what we created at the end of it as it was such a relief. If I get into A2 Media, I can guarantee that I will work as hard as I feel I did for AS Media.

Media Essays

So over Easter, we were given 5 essays to do. 1 for Section A and 4 for Section B. At first I was very hesitant about doing the 4 essays for section B. Even though I tend to do better on that section, I am less confident with it but I gave them a go and this week I got the results back. I am proud to say that I got a level 4 on all of them which I was very pleasantly surprised with. I feel that by gaining those results, I have now gained more confidence in giving relevant information on distribution of films and institutions. I am now waiting for my results back from my Section A essay which I hope I have done just as well on.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Finished Evaluation

So me and Sophie finished our evaluation. We filmed ourselves on the Mac and we did each question individually rather than filming it in one big chunk. For introducing the questions, we had a black screen with the question in white writing before we answered it to break everything up. We then included pictures and video clips of our film wherever necessary to back up a statement that we made. Lastly, we added a backing song while we were talking. We chose When I Was A Youngster by Rizzle Kicks because we felt that it contrasted with the concept of our film opening. Overall, I quite enjoyed doing our evaluations because it allowed us to sum up everything that we had learnt and explain why we did certain things for our film. By doing this evaluation, I have also gained some editing techniques that I may use in the future for extra media purposes.


This is a video we made of our outtakes from all of the times that we went out filming.

Representation of Disability.


The other day, a leaflet about Netflix came through my door in the post. The leaflet was explaining the deals they have and why it is so good to have; clearly trying to persuade the public to sign up to Netflix. In my opinion, I don't think that this is an affective way to gain someone's attention because normally, I would just look at it and throw it away which is what my parents did. I think a more effective way is television ad's and internet ad's because lots of people use the internet and TV nearly every day and I believe that it would distract people a lot more allowing them to stop what they are doing and look at the ad. On the other hand, even though I don't think the post is the most affective way, the colours that were used on the leaflet were eye-catching. The colours used were, Red, Yellow and Black.